The Mayor of Sanaa Receives the Study of Yemeni Migration-Reciprocal Impacts

In a bid to promote the Study of Yemeni Migration-Reciprocal Impacts, Dr. Amr Al-Hamdani, a member of the Shura Council, and Mr. Al-Azi Al-Saltawi, an advisor to the Ministry of Emigrants Affairs, both members of the promotion committee, delivered a hard copy of the study to Mr. Amin Jumaan, the local secretary general of the Sana'a Capital Secretariat, in his office in Sana'a. The study, which was prepared by a team of Yemeni researchers and funded by the Al-Khair Foundation for Social Development, presented research results on the economic, social, and cultural effects of Yemeni migration on Yemen and the host countries of Yemeni migrants. The study found that Yemeni migration has both positive and negative effects on Yemen and host countries. Migration has contributed to improving the economic and social conditions of many Yemeni families, as well as transferring knowledge and expertise to Yemen, and contributing to the development of the economies of host countries. On the other hand, migration has led to a shortage of labor in Yemen, as well as the spread of crime and violence in some host communities. The study is an important document that highlights the reciprocal effects of Yemeni migration and reflects the importance of scientific research in understanding the implications of Yemeni migration.

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