Transport minister Receives the Study of Yemeni Migration-Reciprocal Impacts

To the Study of Yemeni Migration-Reciprocal Impacts, Dr. Amr Mudakrib Al-Hamdani, a member of the Shura Council, and Mr. Al-Azi Al-Slawi, an advisor to the Ministry of Emigrants Affairs, members of the publicity committee, delivered a hard copy of the study to His Excellency the Minister of Transport of Yemen, Major General Abdul Wahab Al-Dura, on Wednesday, in his office in Sana'a.

The study, which was prepared by a team of Yemeni researchers and funded by the Charity Foundation for Social Development, presented research findings on the economic, social, and cultural effects of Yemeni migration on Yemen and the host countries of Yemeni migrants.

The study showed the effects of Yemeni migration on Yemen and the host countries, the contribution of Yemeni migrants to the economic and social development in the host countries. The study is considered an important document that highlights the reciprocal effects of Yemeni migration. This study reflects the importance of scientific research in understanding the implications of Yemeni migration.

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