Amna Mohammed Al-Habashi

Amna Mohammad Hussein Abdullah Al-Habashi was born around 1844, in Seiyun City, Hadhramaut Governorate, and there she received her primary education. She was known among her family for her thirst for knowledge. She used to have a continuous thirst for knowledge and literature until she became well known for her wide knowledge and great passion for reading, writing, and sittings of knowledge.
She got married to Sheikh, Allāma, Ali Alawi Al-Saqqaf, who was known as the author of the footnote of “Fath Al-Mu’in fi Fiqh Ahkam Al-Din” book. She bore him a son, who raised him on the love and passion of knowledge. This small family had immigrated to Turkey, the country of Caliphate at that time, and settled in Istanbul, the capital of the Ottoman Empire. In Istanbul, Amna worked in educating girls with religious sciences and literary arts, and she had a prominent position as modern fiqh (jurisprudence) scholar. Her husband also had a good reputation in sittings of knowledge “Majilis Aleilm” in which Arab scholars were at the fore at the time.
After several years of migration, she was gotten homesick and felt nostalgia for the family, so she and her husband returned and settled with one of her relatives in Al-Houta city (the capital of the Abdali Sultanate at that time), and there her husband, Sheikh, Ali Alawi Al-Saqqaf passed away.
She could not live in a country where her husband died and was buried, so she decided to return to her students and her sittings of knowledge “Majilis Aleilm” in Istanbul.
During that time, the First World War broke out and overthrew the Ottoman Empire and the Islamic Caliphate, and after its outbreak about a year ago, Amna passed away and was buried, in 1915, in a cemetery in Istanbul.

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