Mohammad Ahmad Al-Saqqaf

He was born in Singapore, 1836.

In 1794, his grandfather, Mr. Abdulrahman bin Alawi Al-Saqqaf emigrated from Seiyun City Hadhramaut Governorate to Southeast Asia to disseminate Islamic Dawah and seek a livelihood.

After he inherited his father and grandfather's business, he worked on building up and expanding his family business until he became one of the Business leaders in Singapore. In 1870, Mohammed established the commercial empire of Al-Saqqaf family in Singapore. Later in 1879, he issued the "Dollar" coin of Johor Province, Malaysia, which was covered with his own gold.

In 1880, he owned a merchant marine fleet of 35 ships and a large number of lands in each of Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Jeddah, Mecca, Medina, Egypt, and Seiyun. He has many charitable works, including the establishment of hospitals and schools; he also established “Al-Saqqaf Fund” and made it a family endowment to help the people in need, especially his relatives from Al-Saqqaf family in Seiyun. In1906, he passed away and was buried in Al-Saqqaf Cemetery in Singapore.

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